The Distilled Gaze of the Plantation Overseer

"{Imperialism}is an act of geographical violence through which virtually every space in the world is explored, charted, and finally brought under control." Edward Said "The nineteenth century was the age of scientific exploration—- Darwin in the Beagle, Livingstone in Africa, Powell in the Rockies, and so on—but the sources of support for these efforts tended to be institutions with very practical interest in the regions being studied. Paralleling all of this was the great surge of missionary activity that supported some exploration (including Livingstone’s) but most crucially led to the gathering of important, detailed, information about ethnography, languages, and geography by … [Read more...]

Depth of Silence

"Art styles do not follow one another step-by-step or even as an ongoing argument. They disappear and reappear. They twist and turn. They rub up against other styles. They migrate and transmigrate. They pop up in very strange places. As in parapsychology, causality is replaced by synchronicity." John Perrault "In Gutai art the human spirit and the material reach out their hands to each other, even though they are otherwise opposed to each other. The material is not absorbed by the spirit. The spirit does not force the material into submission." Gutai Manifesto (1956) "In everything, it takes great effort to think up something new. And even if something is good it takes time for … [Read more...]

Blind Sight

"The female, the lumpen-proletariat, the foreign; the animal and vegetative; the unconscious and the unknown; the criminal and failure—all that has been outcast and vagabond in our consideration of the figure of Man—must return to be admitted in the creation of what we are.” Robert Duncan "No interpretive skill in the world can in fact eliminate ideal objects from our speech and thought." Edmund Husserl "The wealth of societies in which the capitalist mode of production prevails appears as an immense 'collection' of commodities; the individual commodity appears as its elementary 'form.' Our investigation therefore begins with the 'analysis' of the commodity." Karl Marx, Chapter One … [Read more...]

The Engineer’s Anxiety, or Rejecting the Goddess

"Architecture… the reception of which is consummated by a collectivity in a state of distraction." Walter Benjamin "One of the greatest problems of our own times is dealing with the uncontrollable acceleration of time, a process that began with 19th-century industrializations; it keeps continually disposing of things in expectation of the future, of the next thing. All avant-garde movements were in fact based on the continual destruction of preceding works in order to go on to something new. Implicit in this is the murder of the future." Manfredo Tafuri Interview with Richard Ingersoll "It's no accident that puritanism, and the puritanical outlook, runs absolutely parallel to the … [Read more...]

The Sound of Architecture

" If everything “looks” fake, then what is real? A fake film that makes no effort at naturalism disturbs the separation between spectator and screen. It is a total dreaming state in which the barriers between the dreamer and the dreamed, the projected and the real, are articulated in a jarring mash of lines and bichromate forms: everything is either shadow or light. The city provides the “stage” for this collapsing of the dreamer into the dream." Owen Vince On Cabinet of Dr. Caligari "Renoir has a lot of talent, but he’s not one of us." Daryl Zanuck "My films were not for mass consumption...I could imagine nothing worse than producing something for an alienated mass culture, which I … [Read more...]

What is Impossible to Remember

"If time takes in, space moves out. Space qua place locates; it furnishes outward abode in the world. Space specifies; it gives local habitation." Edward S. Casey "Each time a painter realized that he was dissatisfied with the limited role of painting as a celebration of material property and of the status that accompanies it, he inevitably found himself struggling with the very language of his own art as understood by the tradition of his calling." John Berger "This darkness can be explained by the blind spot in our eye at the point where the optic nerve enters the retina and where we cannot see. Only when the point of the blind spot has been passed do we see the pencil point again … [Read more...]

Gone Gone

"Ah, children, be afraid of going prayerless to bed, lest the Devil be your bedfellow.” Cotton Mather "McCarthyism is Americanism with its sleeves rolled." Joe McCarthy "Indeed, for Godard, the ethical is inherent within the aesthetic and will be revealed in the unique poetic processes of cinematic montage (“at the time of the resurrection”)." James Williams "The general influence of divine maintenance is not sufficient for the preservation of the moral good of creatures: the latter also needs that of grace." Matthew of Acquasparta In the current New York Review of Books, Geoffrey O'Brien reviews Patti Smith's new book (not to mention this piece in the Guardian : … [Read more...]

Know Your Place

"The world of supermodernity does not exactly match the one in which we believe we live, for we live in a world that we have not yet learned to look at. We have to relearn to think about space." Marc Auge "I would propose instead the appropriation and redirection of the very technologies of distraction enforced by dominant culture... Hence, camouflage, mimicry, wit, guileful ruse, deception, and stealth -- forms of qualified surrender -- enter the lexicon of architectural means to reprogram the dominant logics of space in the city." Stan Allen "...the happiness of travel is and remains temporary escape from home without subsequent demand...the traveller of the capitalist age must … [Read more...]