"In every one of the great scenes of Genesis and Exodus there exists a theme or a quasi-theme of the founding murder of expulsion. Obviously, this is most striking in the expulsion from the Garden of Eden; there, God takes the violence upon himself and founds humanity by driving Adam and Eve far away from him." Rene Girard (Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World) "The table may have disappeared, but the séance continues regardless.” Malcolm Bull (The Concept of the Social Scepticism: Idleness and Utopia) "Among students of culture, the body is an immensely fashionable topic, but it is usually the erotic body, not the famished one." Terry Eagleton (After Theory) "There … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2022
“It is by avoiding the rapid decay into the inert state of ‘equilibrium’ that an organism appears so enigmatic.” Erwin Schrodinger (What is Life?) "This rationale holds that the conditions of social life will, in fact, be far less encumbered by atavistic allegiances, xenophobic nationalism, racism and sexism. in direct proportion to the preponderance of market rationality as the basis for allocating social goods. The market alone can achieve the kind of smooth equilibrium that always must elude the irrationality of state, management, coordination, and control." Samir Gandesha (Identifying with the Aggressor) “You don’t need to worry, you will not die until you have finished … [Read more...]