"The philosopher's treatment of a question is like the treatment of an illness." Ludwig Wittgenstein (Philosophical Investigations) “… there is no way of making sensuous man rational except by first making him aesthetic." Friedrich Schiller (Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man, 1794) "Unity, as the avant-gardists are aware, is always at some level a political concept." Terry Eagleton (London Review of Books, Nov. 2020) “Democracy is not identical with the subordination of the minority to the majority. Democracy is a state which recognizes the subordination of the minority to the majority, i.e. it is an organization for the systematic use of violence by one class against … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2025
The Unconscious of Hollywood
"Neither happiness, nor safety and security, nor even material comfort has been realized. In few periods of human history have so many millions of persons been so unhappy, so insecure, so hungry and destitute, as at the present time, all the way from China to Western Europe." Pitirim Sorokin (The Crisis of Our Age, 1941) “Without a doubt the preeminent reason that [Adorno’s] work must now be of vital concern in the United States is for what precisely can be learned from a nation that has so palpably entered primitive times.” Robert Hullot-Kentor (Things Beyond Resemblance) "For this cultural climate also forecloses, as a matter of political necessity, any attempt to notice realities … [Read more...]