Archives for February 2023

Falling Out of Love

“We will continue to be your single source of truth… Unless you hear it from us it is not the truth.” Jacinda Ardern (Speech, 2020) "The limit of photographic knowledge of the world is that, while it can goad conscience, it can, finally, never be ethical or political knowledge. The knowledge gained through still photographs will always be some kind of sentimentalism, whether cynical or humanist." Susan Sontag (On Photography) ”The alleviation of mental distress is only possible “in a society without exploitation and oppression.” Iain Freguson (Politics of the Mind: Marxism and Mental Distress) "And when I feel, fair creature of an hour, That I shall never look upon thee … [Read more...]

Nunc Stans, or The Empty Future

"The tradition of the oppressed teaches us that the "state of emergency" in which we live is not the exception but the rule. We must attain to a conception of history that is in keeping with this insight. Then we shall clearly realize that it is our task to bring about a real state of emergency, and this will improve our position in the struggle against Fascism. One reason why Fascism has a chance is that in the name of progress its opponents treat it as a historical norm." Walter Benjamin (Thesis on the Philosophy of History) “No less than any other religion, science organises and arranges its own structure through different forms and ranks. To its elaboration of a subtle and rigorous … [Read more...]