Archives for September 2020

I Want to be a Real Boy, part two (or I’m Not Who I Am).

“With the majority of mankind the mind is entirely under the control of the body; the mind is very little developed. The vast mass of humanity, if you will kindly excuse me, is very little removed from the animals. Not only that, but, in many instances, the power of control is very little higher than that of the lower animals. We have very little command of our minds. ” Vivekananda (Raji Yoga) “Dissociation is at its essence about both forgetting and remembering. It has the feeling of: “I can’t remember and I can’t not remember.” Margaret L. Hainer (The Ferenzi Paradox, from The Dissociative Mind in Psychoanalysis: Understanding and Working With Trauma.) "The parallel between … [Read more...]

I Want to be a Real Boy (Part one)

"If the teacher is only recording videotape, then there is no telepresence at all, and a great deal is surely lost. For example, if risk is important in the learning process, then when the teacher and the class are present together both assume a risk that is not there when they are not interacting – the student risks being called on to demonstrate his knowledge of the subject of the lecture, and the teacher risks being asked a question he cannot answer. If this is the case, then it may mean that distance teaching not only may produce poorer learning opportunities, but it may produce poorer teaching." Hubert Dreyfus (On the Internet) “We will show neurons firing in real-time on August … [Read more...]